Why America needs more than two political parties
How to Build a Third Party and End the Division
In the 2024 election for the President, the House and the Senate, half the voters voted for Republicans and half voted for Democrats. But 50% of the country is registered Independents, 25% are registered Democrats and 25% Republicans. If there was an Independent Party, it would win with ease over the two existing parties. But that will never happen unless we have runoff elections.
We will always be this divided without runoff elections, so all those elected to office receive a majority of votes in every office in America.
This is why and how to change the system… (Read more…)
“There will never be a viable third party in America unless we have runoff elections”
Even With High 2022 Inflation, 14-year rate is One of The Lowest in 50-Years
Although Inflation was high in 2022, the average annual rate from 2009 through 2022 was one of the lowest in decades. In other words, we had high in 2022 because we had very low inflation in the previous years. Overall, it’s normal. Learn more…
Who Really Pays the Income Taxes in America?
Everyone, including the young child who buys candy and can’t even reach over the counter at the store. How can that be? Learn More…
Does Trump Really Believe He Won the 2020 Election?
Trump does not really believe he won the election; he knows he legitimately lost. So why is he so fervently fighting the loss? Read more…
Ban Semi-Automatic Weapons Like the AR-15? No. License Them Like Fully Automatic Weapons
If you want to own a machine gun—a fully automatic weapon—you can buy one, but you must qualify. But you can easily buy an AR-15 without any real restrictions, even though it is a very dangerous weapon, as is a machine gun. We need classify the AR-15s the same. Learn more…
“If we were all computerized robots,
the capitalist system would be a perfect fit.”
― The Accidental Editor
Why Trump Took Classified Documents & Wouldn’t Return Them
Why did Trump take classified documents that he knew were closely tracked to Mar-a-Lago and then take a year and a half to return them? It becomes obvious as you look into it. Read More…
Why We Must End the Two-Party System — & How to Grow a Third Party
The two-party system is the death-knoll of a healthy society. It creates the “us or them” mentality. We need more political parties to promote compromise — and this is how we build them. Learn more…
What Does Politically Correct Mean?
“During the pandemic, in some circles it was politically correct to wear a mask. And in some circles, it was politically correct to not wear a mask” – That should explain it clearly
Hornswaggled - How the Top 1% Fooled the People
The top one percent believe they are invaluable and irreplaceable—that they are the engine of the world and they make things happen, and without them, the rest of the world would be in trouble. Really? Read more…
What is fascism?
fascism n.
1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. 2 (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
— Oxford Essential Dictionary of the U.S. Military
Who Really Pays the Taxes in America?
Everyone, including the young child who buys candy and can’t even reach over the counter at the store. How can that be? Learn More…
What is the Definition of Socialism?
What does it mean when someone says “socialism?” Many can’t define it beyond saying it means “giving everything to everyone for free.” And when asked to explain that, they can’t. In other words, they just say it because they’ve heard others say it. Read more…
Know your rights in dealing with police
Know your rights in dealing with the police — on the street or in a traffic stop. There are nation-wide constitutional rights and differing state laws. Learn more…
“… the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. … Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government.”
– Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, regarding New York Times Co. v United States, 1971
“Politics begins when two or more people get together”“