Why Trump Pardoned the January 6 Insurrectionists
Trump pardoned the January 6 insurrectionists to justify his accusation that there was cheating in the 2020 election—and that he was the real winner. He knew that if he did so it would back up his claim, because if there really was cheating then those people would just be rebelling against the fake election results, and it was justified. By pardoning them, he reinforces his lie to not only them, but to all his supporters who put him in office – and it makes him look like he is innocent.
Trump does not care if they are innocent or guilty. He only cares if he looks innocent or guilty. But Trump has another motive by pardoning them: He has gained their undying loyalty, and they know that if they support him with violence again, he will again pardon them. After all, what would they have to lose? They have now become his Presidential Guard. His private army. The current Republican Party, or should I say Trump Party, and its leaders, are cheering him on, and the few Republicans who hold any power who don’t agree with these pardons will continue to support Trump in silence. They are that fearful. They are cowering in silence.
The situation is that bad.

Of course if we want to keep it simple, Trump pardoned them because he’s just a lying human being who has no morals, principles, or shame. He only wants power. He is a legend in his own mind.
In his inauguration speech, he actually claimed that God saved him so he could save the country. That is the final proof that he has a god complex and really is mentally sick.
His supporters believe every word he says as absolute truth without question, just like the people who followed Hitler, Mussolini—and other despots and dictators throughout history. Weak people need leaders like Trump, strong people don’t. And Trump knows his people are weak and will follow him anywhere. They never question him or seek the truth beyond what he says. Most of what he has said publicly and politically ever since he led the Obama birther movement in 2011 were said for only one reason: Because his followers believe everything he says. Whether it’s true or not does not matter; What’s important is that his followers hear it.
Again: The situation is that bad.