In 1966, I joined a fraternity during my first year at the University of California (Berkeley). My brother was in the fraternity, and it seemed like the logical thing to do. Fraternity members were known as “Greeks.” And we were all “brothers.” I knew nothing about anything that first year.
After you “pledge” to join the fraternity, you then, after a few months (either one quarter or one semester) of being in this lowly class, you go through “Hell Week” where you and your fellow pledges have to pass through all sorts of weird tests and physical feats. Afterwards, if you managed to survive the week, you become a “brother.” The below event occurred shortly after we became “brothers.” It was the winter quarter—the second quarter of our first academic year.
One thing we Greek brothers liked to do was have a good time, and if this meant creating misery for some poor unknown soul who happened to be in the way, well—so be it.
Our fraternity house was three floors tall, and above the highest floor was a stairway to a flat roof, which turned out to be a very convenient place to drink beer, listen to music, and generally cavort about while shouting insults to those who happen to have the bad fortune to walk by on the sidewalk in front of the house at the time. It was three stories lower than us and was also far enough away to save our ass if someone didn’t quite take it in good humor.
One sunny afternoon, after our studying and classes had ended, three of us were sitting on this roof doing exactly what I have just described, that is, behaving like young pranksters and looking for something to do. My good friend John, who always seemed like the truly serious beer drinker of the group, had the good idea to get some water balloons and start tossing them at the brothers who came home from class, or whatever they were doing, while we were on the roof enjoying ourselves.
The first one who came by, the one known in the house as “Fox”—who was much older than us first-year brothers—had the misfortune of being our first target. Of course, water balloons aren’t really a dangerous flying object, but up three floors they can surely be something to reckon with. We hid behind the wall parapet as he approached the house from the street, carrying his books and wearing the appropriate Greek attire of levis, white shirt and “penny loafers.”
When he came into range, we all three stood up and lobbed as many balloons as we could grab in his direction, which must have been, if I can remember correctly, at least eight or ten of those suckers. They all came crashing down around him in a great volley like huge raindrops, not one of which, thank God, was a direct hit. Nevertheless, we managed to totally soak his shiny penny loafers and his levis from the knees down. Of course, he also managed to drop all his books and papers, which, by the way, ended up being in a scattered mess stretching all around him, as he came to an abrupt halt in shock. As he looked up at us, we ducked behind the parapet wall in hopes of not being caught in this dastardly act, although we all knew that it would be easy for him to discover who the guilty ones really were.
We also knew—especially because we were now true brothers, all three of us, and no longer merely pledges—that a good prank was actually well-respected among the Greeks and that our stature among the others would actually improve, barring any really unfortunate consequences. In other words, a good prank, without really hurting anyone, was deserving of great admiration.
As we stuck our heads over the wall to look back down, hoping not to be to be noticed, we heard the slamming of the front door and knew that “Fox” was well on his way to running up the stairs, in hopes of catching us in the act which was just described. We noticed, as we looked down at the wet sidewalk where our weapons had made contact, that his papers and books were still scattered about. He obviously must have been so pissed that he left the whole mess in a rage and was on his way to give us a raft of real shit.
We three, laughing hysterically of course, looked at each other with a slight amount of terror, quickly jumped into our lounge chairs, picked up our beers in one hand, and in the other hand quickly grabbed and opened our textbooks, which, by the way, were actually there for studying, as all these rooftop gatherings began when one brother decided he would wander up there and study in the sunshine, and as soon as two more would join him, with the same scholarly intention, there would be three of us, and that constituted grounds for a party.
Meanwhile, “Fox” was madly running up the stairway to admonish us for soaking his penny loafers, and we knew that any second the door would slam open, and he would be standing there yelling at us, and that’s exactly what happened, except, by the time he did so, we were calmly reading our books as though we had no idea of what he was talking about.
“Okay, who are the assholes who think this is funny?” He looked at us, obviously quite perturbed, and for a moment there, as we looked up, we thought maybe we had gone a little too far, but, as we saw him standing there, completely soaked from the knees down, we all, trying to maintain straight faces, broke out in uncontrollable laughter. This, by good luck, prompted “Fox” to do the same, and we all, especially us three villains, began to roll on the ground in merriment.
“Fox” forgave us for any ill we caused him, but he did make us help pick up his books and papers, and I swear that he treated us with a little more respect after that, but not from fear, but from the knowledge that he now knew we were capable of serious prankstering. One thing I did notice changed in him, and that was that every time he walked up the sidewalk to the front door he stopped, momentarily, almost unconsciously, and looked up. This even happened when I was walking right next to him.
How Poor Procedures for Measuring Blood Pressure Often Indicate False High Blood Pressure
Are you certain that your doctor’s office is measuring blood pressure correctly? Because if it’s not, then the doctor could be using inaccurate results to advise you on your health, often leading to you taking unnecessary drugs for high (or low) blood pressure that you don’t have. Some might think that of course they measure your blood pressure correctly. After all, it’s done at the doctor’s office. That’s what I thought—until I learned the truth that inaccurate measuring of blood pressure is very common, not only at the doctor’s office, but also when the patient measures their own blood pressure at home. Here’s what happened to me—and how I learned to accurately measure my own blood pressure and to know when medical workers are doing it incorrectly. I also learned that I didn’t have high blood pressure, although the doctor told me I did—and his opinion was based on the false readings I received in his offices and in my home (before I learned how to properly measure my own blood pressure).
How it All Began: A Medical Worker First Tells Me I Have High Blood Pressure
In 2023, I went to see a new doctor for an ailment that was not urgent or critical. When I arrived at the appointed time, I went through a process that’s common in every doctor’s’ office I’ve been to. I first took care of paperwork, then waited in the reception area. Next, I was taken to a room and waited in a chair. Shortly afterwords, an assistant came in and took my weight and height.
Then the assistant measured my blood pressure. I was sitting in an armchair—a simple metal chair with cushioned seat and back, like an inexpensive dining room chair. The doctor’s assistant put the blood-pressure cuff on my right arm and told me to sit up with my back supported and put my feet flat on the floor, which I did. I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt with a T-shirt under it. I started to pull my sleeves up so she could put it on my bare skin when she said she could put it over the clothing. She then turned on the device and took a reading.
Then she said, “Your blood pressure is high.”
Little did I know the medical roller coaster I was about to go on. This is the same “general” procedure for measuring blood pressure (BP)—with some small differences—used in every doctor’s office I’ve been to in the previous 20-plus years. I’ve gone through this at least 10 times during this period. Each time, the attendant told me my blood pressure. In all these cases, the attendant who took my BP also told me what the reading numbers were, but I never paid attention to it before and never knew what the numbers meant. Why? Because a doctor never mentioned the words “blood pressure” to me in my 75 years (or more specifically, since I became an adult), so I ignored it. But in this instance, for the first time in my life, the assistant said to me, “Your blood pressure is high.” She also told me the numbers, but I knew nothing about the meaning of the numbers.
I’ve been extremely healthy my whole life and spent very little time with doctors. I’ve never had a regular doctor, and I’ve taken care of my health since I was in college in my 20s, plus my parents kept me healthy. And I am in great health now—minus this current minor ailment that drove me to see a doctor.
The doctor came in shortly after the assistant left the room. I talked about my health history and lifestyle. We discussed the reason I was there, and a little about the medical group that he was associated with, EZX Health (a fictitious company I made up). It was our first meeting, and we did not discuss my blood pressure, possibly because of a time constraint. We set another appointment for one week later.
I went home concerned my blood pressure was high. But I did not remember the numbers. The next morning, I opened an email summary of my appointment, which I read through a patient portal. The BP numbers were in the summary. My BP was at 153/96. Since I didn’t know anything about BP numbers, I looked it up online and yes, those numbers were quite high. I was greatly concerned and a bit worried. In fact, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It kept me up at night for the coming week.
Little did I know—with my limited knowledge of how blood pressure was measured—the journey I was about to go on that would completely alter my view of doctors and the procedures used in many of their offices to check patients’ blood pressure.
Measuring Blood Pressure at Home
I started thinking about how to get another BP reading before my second appointment one week after the first. Since I had been healthy my whole life and lived a healthy lifestyle, I was a bit worried. Two days before the second appointment, I came up with the idea of getting a home blood pressure monitor. I knew absolutely nothing about them. I researched the internet and found out I could buy an Omron, a respected name in home monitors, within minutes from home. I bought one that day.
The Omron blood pressure monitor with attached cuff. It connects to your cell phone and saves all the readings. Only $60 at Sam’s Club. It is a validated device approved by the American Heart Association.
When I got home about 5:30, I opened the box and went to the “Quick Start Guide,” which led me to calling Omron. An attendant on the phone walked me through my first reading, telling me how to put the cuff on and tighten it, allowing two fingers (no more and no fewer) to fit comfortably in between the cuff and the arm. She also told me how to connect my cellphone to the monitor through the Omron app. At this point, I knew nothing about how to take a BP reading. This was my first lesson. My first reading (over the phone) showed my BP at 153/104—very close to the doctor’s office reading. Now I was even more concerned. After the phone call with Omron, I took two more readings that afternoon: 130/99 and 134/96. That was better by a lot, but I didn’t know why.
In fact, I was still a real novice to this whole blood pressure business. And I wondered why the readings are so different from each other, even when one is taken right after another. I took more readings: the next morning after coffee; then the next afternoon around 5pm; and another the following morning. I took two readings each time and all were in the 130s, 140s, even one at 151. And the diastolic readings (the second number) were all in the 80s, 90s and higher. From my elementary knowledge of BP numbers, I knew these were all high, but I still had no idea why each reading was different.
I later learned that I knew basically nothing about blood pressure when I walked into the second appointment. I always thought that taking your blood pressure was easy. I always had it done in a medical office by an assistant and trusted the results. That’s all I knew.
My Second Appointment — One Week After the First
At my second appointment, the procedure was the same: After measuring my weight, the assistant took my blood pressure using the same procedure as before. She put the cuff on over my two shirts while I was sitting down, told me to sit up and put my feet flat on the floor and turned it on. She again said my blood pressure was high at 157/103. She then asked me if I wanted her to take my BP after I met with the doctor. I said yes.
When the doctor came in, we discussed the original health problem I came to him for, and what tests we would do next. Mainly, we discussed my high blood pressure as I was anxious to do so.
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I showed him the results from my home monitor that were recorded on my cellphone app, telling him that I just bought the monitor two days before. My readings were still high, and he wrote some of them down. By the end of the meeting, he had me totally convinced that I had high blood pressure.
Immediately after the meeting, the assistant came in and took my blood pressure using the same procedure, and again, it was high at 148/96. At this second reading, she put it on my left arm. The other readings were on my right arm. I had no idea if that mattered.
We set another appointment for five weeks later. I went home again, concerned about my blood pressure being high. I took two more readings at home at about 5pm. They were high. Little did I know how much I still had to learn. At the second appointment, while I was waiting for the doctor to come in, I noticed on the inside side of the closed door, a poster on how to properly measure blood pressure. The poster is for home BP measuring since the text instructs the reader to measure in the morning “before medications.” The image and its text also show the cusp should be over bare skin. I mentioned this to the doctor. The assistant who took my blood pressure must have never read the poster, since she put it over my clothing each time. Or maybe in the doctor’s office it doesn’t matter. After all, they should know. Right? But after seeing the poster, I first began to wonder about the procedures used for measuring my blood pressure.
Why Worry About My Blood Pressure?
Why was I so concerned about my blood pressure? Being healthy has been one of my main goals since I was young. I had a healthy upbringing. Plus, we had free healthcare because my father was a military officer. When I was in college in the 1960s, there was a food revolution going on, and I’ve tried to eat healthy ever since. And I’ve always exercised. I’m a hiker, swimmer, cyclist, sailor and more. That’s why, at 75, I’m doing great. And I’ve never taken any prescribed medication. But seeing a doctor regularly was not part of that regimen over the years. I saw a doctor only when I needed one, which was rare. I am not overweight, have great energy and feel great. I meditate every morning and most afternoons. Every day I stretch, do various other exercises, and then have a light workout with weights. So, when I was told I had high blood pressure, I was shocked and worried.
Over the years, I’ve learned some causes of high blood pressure, and there are, in general, only two solutions: Medication and/or change lifestyle. I’m very educated about what a healthy lifestyle is, and I knew that if I had to change my lifestyle, there is nothing I would change to improve it to be healthier. Consequently, I had to figure out what was going on. I had to investigate the readings. They were all over the place, especially at the doctor’s office, where they were consistently high. I wanted to know why. And why do they change every time I took a reading?
I always thought that when a medical person took my blood pressure, that it was some complex system that checks it, that it can be taken at any time on either arm, was easy to do and very accurate. The more I learned, the more I realized how little I knew.
I Learn More and More About Measuring Blood Pressure Properly
The day after my second appointment, I took readings in the morning, and they were high. I decided it was time I read the monitor’s instruction manual since I was still using the Quick Start Guide. I learned some very amazing facts in the manual, facts that are so simple that they changed everything. First, when I took my BP reading over the phone with Omron, I was sitting in a cushioned chair that had a table on my right, so I attached the cuff to my right arm, which I rested on the table (it was barely below the armrest). Plus, at the medical office at the first appointment, the assistant took my first BP reading with the cuff on my right arm. At the second appointment, the first reading was on my right arm and the second one was on my left arm.
The instruction manual said to put the cuff in a different position if using it on the right arm. From then on in, I moved it to the left arm, and positioned it according to the instructions. (How to measure for the right or left arm were the instructions for my monitor. They might be different for other makes or models.) As I read the instruction manual, I also started researching BP-measuring procedures online through articles, studies, YouTube videos and blood pressure forums.
Another revelation was that I never knew that you are supposed to rest for at least five minutes before taking a reading. As I look back on that, I find that truly amazing. As it turns out, that is one of the most important procedures for getting a reliable reading of your “true” blood pressure. Why did I not know this? Because in all the times I had my blood pressure taken in a medical office, including at the EZX Health office, no one ever told me to rest before a reading—and rest for at least five minutes. Why did no one ever tell me that? Don’t they know? They’re medical workers. They’re supposed to know.
The arm should be raised so the middle of the cuff is approximately the same height as the middle of the heart. This can change depending on the individual, but for the average adult sitting in a standard height chair, like a dining or desk chair, the height of a standard dining or desk table sets the cuff at the correct height.
I also learned that your arm should be raised so that the middle of the cuff is approximately equal to the level of your heart. In the past, I know that some attendants did raise my arm, but in some of those cases, I even had to hold it up. With others, they had a table to rest my arm on. Others used the armrest of a chair, which I learned is generally not high enough for the average adult. There was no standard that I ever saw. At the EZX Health office, I was never told my arm should be raised to the correct level. It was just resting on the arm rest, or barely raised at all. At the first visit, I was sitting in an armchair with arm rests. In the second visit, I was sitting in a chair with no arm rests and both tests were done without raising my arm any more than necessary so the assistant could put the cuff on from her standing position. There was no consistency in the arm position.
Another important practice is that the cuff should always go over bare skin. I’ve had some medical workers tell me that, but I didn’t pay much attention. But in the EZX Health office, the assistant put it over the two shirts I had on for all three readings that were taken over two appointments, one at the first visit and two at the second (with about 30 minutes between readings which was when I was talking to the doctor).
Another thing I learned that I have never seen done in a doctor’s office, including EZX Health, is that you should always take at least two readings and average the two. Some recommend three readings, then discard the first and average the next two. And they should be taken consecutively with at least a 1-minute rest between readings. No source I found online says one reading is enough, but one is all I’ve ever experienced.
You should also never talk while resting or while the reading is being taken. I began to notice the differences in the readings at home as I changed the procedure; they got lower. But they still were not consistent, going up and down on every reading—and I didn’t know why. I was still taking readings in the morning and at 5pm—until I learned that the best time, when you are the most rested, is in the early morning, 30-60 minutes after you get out of bed—before coffee, eating, or exercise. The next best time is late evening—at least an hour or so after eating (including no deserts) and no exercise beforehand. The worst time was in the middle of the day. From that point on, I only took readings in the morning.
Over the next few days, I experimented with being comfortable in an upright chair where I can sit up with my feet flat on the floor and rest. I used a light table I had and chose a throw cushion so I could rest my arm on it, palm up, at the height I needed, allowing the tube from the cuff to run along my forearm to the monitor. Then I learned to place the monitor so I can easily press the start button and take a reading. Another essential procedure is to make sure you do not have to pee, as it can really raise your reading if you do. I’ve never been asked that at a doctor’s office: “Do you need to pee, as it will affect your BP reading if you do?” All and all, if you are taking your blood pressure yourself, the final instruction is to take it at the same time each day for several days and you will get a good “baseline.”
There is No Such Thing as Your “True” Blood Pressure
In summary, what I learned with all of the above details on the proper procedure for measuring your blood pressure was that there is no “magical” blood pressure that you have. It’s not like, “Your blood pressure is 110/80.” If that was the results of a reading, it’s the reading for that moment under the conditions that it was measured in using the device (the monitor) you used. If someone tells you that such and such is your blood pressure, then they don’t understand what it means, or they are saying something they shouldn’t be saying. If a doctor says that, then keep an eye on them and don’t trust them completely. But a doctor, as well as a nurse, should know this (or at least I am sure they knew it at one time), but an assistant probably doesn’t (although five minutes of instruction should be enough to inform them to never say, “That is your blood pressure”).
All medical workers should really say—if they want to give you an honest and informed answer—”We measured your blood pressure as…” Then they should tell you what that measurement means and how it is not necessarily your “true” blood pressure. It’s what they measured today, at this time in this place and in these conditions at this location. We are alive and constantly in a state of change, even when asleep. It will be extremely rare that you will get the same exact blood pressure read even just two times in a row. What they don’t tell you—probably because they don’t want to take the time to tell you—and because they often think you should just listen to them without question and do as they say—is that there is no exact measurement that is your blood pressure.
Your BP changes constantly all day as you walk, eat, talk, work, sleep, etc., etc., etc. What you need to do is find a “baseline” that will give an indication of what your blood pressure is. A blood pressure “baseline” is similar to finding your “true” weight. As you eat and move around all day, your weight goes up and down. Two eight-ounce cups of coffee (or almost any liquid) is one pound. But that doesn’t mean that you just increased your weight by one pound. If you pee one cup five minutes later, you just lost a half pound. It’s the same for exercise. You can lose a half pound with just exercise. In other words, all day long your weight goes up and down. So how do you find your “true” weight? You take it at the same time every day when you have the least amount of changes. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best-known way to measure your true weight. So, you weigh yourself, naked, first thing in the morning right after you pee. That is your “baseline” and the truest weight you can measure over time. But it’s never perfect, it’s just the best we can do. It’s a baseline.
What is a Blood Pressure Baseline and How Do You Get It?
A baseline for blood pressure is what you are seeking. But it’s less exact than finding your “true weight,” because it’s more complex to put a cuff on your arm and measure the heart pumping. The medical world has established that the best way to find a good baseline is to put yourself in a “rested state” when your body has had enough time to slow down, and to be in a physical position which is somewhat close to your truest resting state, without outside and personal interferences that can be changed easily. And your mental state can cause your blood pressure to go up and down, so it needs to be calm and relaxed. It’s when your body is not digesting lots of food, including stimulants like coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, drugs, etc. And since your blood pressure includes movement of blood throughout your body, you need be in a physical, sitting position that minimizes hindering or stimulating blood flow, like sitting comfortably with feet flat on the floor and in an upright position with a relatively straight back. And you should take the reading over several days, like five to seven days and average the readings each day and then average the daily averages.
The medical community has determined that the best way to get a baseline is to first take the reading in the early morning 30-60 minutes after you get up (after you get up, NOT after you wake up), in a sitting position (sitting up in a comfortable straight-back chair), with your feet flat on the floor. The monitor cuff should be above your inside elbow crease (1/2 inch above on my monitor instructions), and not too tight or too loose (based on monitor instructions, fit two or three fingers comfortably between the cusp and bare skin). You should not have to take a pee (that can raise your BP considerably if you do), and you should not talk while the reading is being taken. You also should not have eaten, exercised, smoked, or drank coffee, etc., at least 30 minutes before. And you should rest, with the cuff on, for at least 5 minutes before the reading—without any outside distractions and in a restful environment. All these conditions are generalizations to try and get you in a rested, baseline state—and to get the best reading, you should do everything possible to get into that state.
Another very important factor is the device being used, and it is recommended using a device where the cuff is on your upper arm only, not one on your wrist. You also must follow the manufacturer’s instructions. For example, the height of your arm the cuff is on. This too is a guide—not an exact position. The center of the cusp should be approximately the same height as your heart. That point is approximately the same point used to put pressure on the heart in CPR. It is found by finding the bottom of the sternum and measuring up two fingers width. The area above that point is where you put your palm to press on the heart for CPR. That area should approximately align with the center of the cuff. Some say it is the same point as the nipples, which is correct for an average adult, although this can vary considerably with people depending on age, weight and sex. A small high or low difference is insignificant, but way too low, like letting your arm hang straight down from your shoulder, can give a higher reading, and way to high can give a lower reading. For an average-size adult sitting in a chair, like a dining room or desk chair, your arm resting on the table or desktop, works well. But your doctor should be able to tell you the most exact height. But don’t always listen to the medical worker, who might be an assistant who is not well-trained in taking blood pressure.
Once you get the proper procedures down, then you need to measure you blood pressure at the same time every day for several days, maybe a week. Then, taking all the averages, and discarding any extreme readings, you can achieve a good baseline that will give you a good indication of what your blood pressure is. It will end up to be a final figure, but with your new knowledge of how you got to that point, you can now see that one reading, or just a few, is not even close to being enough information to judge what your blood pressure is. Relying on one measurement is just stupid. And if the procedures are poor on top of that, it’s downright ridiculous.
Why doctors don’t explain all this in their first meeting with you when the topic of blood pressure is discussed is beyond me. No one ever told me. But, actually, I think they don’t want to take the time to do it. And sometimes, they don’t want to pay for all the extra time of having you rest, getting comfortable, and taking more than one reading—all under the direction of a medical worker, who is rarely a doctor. To get a good baseline requires more time, and more time in the doctor’s office, especially if it’s done by a doctor, can be expensive. That’s why blood pressure measuring is almost always done by a lower-cost medical worker. After all, medicine is a business. And, unfortunately, business is often a top priority. Sometimes, it’s the main priority. Today, many doctors don’t run their own practice, but are part of a larger, profit-making enterprise that controls costs that are not always in the patient’s best interests.
I Finally Get “Consistent” Results Measuring Blood Pressure at Home
Over the next few days after I learned the above information, I refined my procedure using not only the monitor instruction manual, but also from extensive online research. I decided that on the evening before I was going to take a reading, I would set up my chair, and the table and cushion my arm rested on. I then placed the monitor in the correct position for taking a reading. This way, in the morning, I would not be spending energy to get all this together. I did everything I could to maximize the chances of getting the best reading in a rested state 30-60 minutes after getting up.
In the morning, I sat in the chair and put the cuff on my left arm according to the guidelines and instructions. It only took a few minutes since everything was in place. Then, with the cuff on, I rested for 5 minutes (many recommend doing this—rest with cuff on, even in the medical office), using the stopwatch on my phone (with a gentle sound when the time is up), After the first reading, I took two more, resting one minute between them.
I was pleasantly surprised that my first readings under my “controlled” conditions were lower than my previous readings and far lower than those at the doctor’s office. I took three readings. The first was 117/85, the second was 126/86, and the third was 121/85. Over my first two appointments in the EZX Health office, the three readings taken were: 153/96; 157/103; 148/96. That’s a huge difference. That’s enough of a difference to change everything in my case. I felt exonerated—no longer with the worry that I might have high blood pressure. (I am not going to discuss here what the exact numbers should be, since your doctor should be advising you on that.)
The correct way to measure your own blood pressure – sitting up in a straight-back chair with feet flat on the ground and the arm is resting on a table so that the center of the cuff is raised to be level with the heart.
For the next five days, I took three readings every morning with the same procedure. I made notes on each reading. After six days, I took the average of all three every day and then averaged all those averages. The final average was 121/86. That’s a far cry from the three readings at the medical office which were: 153/96; 157/103; 148/96. In other words, I established a baseline. It was an average established over six days using procedures recommended by the medical community.
As I look back to the second appointment when the doctor and I compared my home readings being remarkably like the readings taken in his offices, I realized that my first home readings that I showed him were done using the same bad procedures as used by his assistant. So, of course there’s going to be poor results. With what little I knew about procedures at the time, counting on my home readings was just as bad as counting on the office readings.
Can You Trust a Blood Pressure Reading Taken in a Doctor’s Office?
I was pleased that all my research on procedure showed me exactly what I had read in many articles and videos online: You cannot trust readings that are not properly taken, which happens in medical offices all the time—and it also happens at home. Yet what have I learned? Be very careful about the readings you get in a medical office, as well as at home. You probably can’t trust them unless you know the proper procedures. And what I have seen over the years—and currently learned online—is that this is common practice throughout the medical community in a doctor’s office.
Out of 10-plus BP readings I have had in a doctor’s office in the last 20 years, not one followed the proper and recommended procedures. In fact, not one was even close. I started asking myself. How can that be? How can it be that you can’t necessarily trust the blood pressure readings taken in a doctor’s office? That’s where you should be able to totally trust them. Decisions on whether or not you need to be on blood pressure medication are partially based on these readings. They are at the least an essential and prominent determining factor that your doctor will use in deciding on whether or not you need to be on medication, or to change your lifestyle, or both.
The doctor, in his daily summary of our second meeting (I accessed the summaries through an online portal), suggested that he would, at the next visit, “consider initiating antihypertensive therapy if readings remain consistently elevated.” One thing was for certain in his mind: I have high blood pressure. He’s basing that belief based on faulty BP measurements in his office and at my home. But I began to wonder: How many people in the U.S. are on blood pressure medication who don’t need it because of poor procedures used in reading BP, not only in medical offices, but also in home readings? After all, the doctor didn’t question me on my procedures. In his mind, my readings confirmed his office’s readings. How can he miss such an obvious problem?
The Procedures Recommended by the Medical Community for Measuring Blood Pressure
After many hours and days of research on the internet, below is what I have found is the recommended procedure that should be used in a medical office. These guidelines are basically for everyone, but cuff size, chair, and table height to rest your arm on could vary considerably, depending on the individuals size, age and weight. Below is a result of reading the AMA guidelines, as well as other guidelines and practices I found that are recommended by doctors and other medical professionals. There are so many studies and resources out there that it’s impossible to count them—which makes me wonder why poor procedures are so common. The reader should keep in mind that I am a layman. I do not claim that the below procedures are correct. This is just what my research has found. You should really confirm them yourself. I am only trying to spread the word that you should not trust blood pressure readings unless you know the proper procedures both at a medical office and at home. Don’t trust what the doctor says blindly.
How Your Blood Pressure Should be Read at the Doctor’s Office
Here is what I have learned. I am not a doctor, nor do I have any medical training, but I learned a lot because of a bad experience I had, which prompted me to research the subject. Verify everything for yourself. I have included links at the end of this article to many websites for more information.
The bottom procedure could change depending on the patient’s condition. A doctor will know what is correct, but it’s best to double-check them, since they aren’t all at the top of their game.
First ask the patient if they have to pee, telling them it’s best for a good BP reading.
Put the patient in a comfortable chair with armrests—because armrests are comfortable.
Have a table next to the chair that will allow the patient to easily and comfortably rest their arm on the table with their palm up, so that the middle of the cusp is level with the heart. Be able to adjust the arm height as needed in some way to get it close to ideal.
If this is the patient’s first visit, measure the BP on each arm and use the arm with the highest reading then and in the future.
Ask the patient if they ate recently and what (some foods take longer to digest). Also ask if they smoked, drank coffee or alcohol, or if they exercised before the appointment—and how much and when. All these comments should be written down every time the BP is measured on a checklist. Then the doctor can take the conditions into account—and tell the patient that.
The cusp should be attached in the correct position (height above elbow crease depending on monitor instructions) to the correct arm over bare skin. According to recommendations by most groups, the correct-size cusp should be placed over the arm so that two fingers can easily be inserted between the cusp and the arm (some cusps might state three fingers, depending on manufacturer’s instructions). It is essential that the cusp be the right size for the arm. It is recommended that every medical office have an assortment of cusp sizes easily available. (Wrong cusp size is the number one cause for incorrect measurements, according to the AMA.)
After the cusp is on, the patient is informed that they should sit up with back straight and rest their feet flat on the floor, legs not crossed. Then the attendant should tell them that they need rest for five minutes, with no talking, to get an accurate meeting. It is best if they rest with the cuff on. The patient should also be told they will take two (or three, which is best) measurements and they will rest at least 1 minute between readings, and they will discard the first reading and take the average of the next two or average the two, if only two are taken. Then the attendant leaves the room and turns the lights off, or better still, leaves them in a low light environment.
When the attendant returns, the patient should be told not to talk during the measurement. Do not engage them in conversation. Then the monitor is turned on and the measurement taken.
One or two more measurements are taken, resting between them. If any two are drastically different, then take another reading and discard one. Generally, taking three and discarding the first, and then averaging the next two, is the best result.
The correct way to measure blood pressure. The patient is sitting up in a straight-back chair, with feet flat on the ground and with the arm resting on a table, which raises the cuff to the correct height.
Procedures Used When My Blood Pressure was Measured at the EZX Health Medical Office
I had three measurements taken at EZX Health: One at the first visit and two at the second (these two were separated by about 30 minutes). All three procedures were the same with a few insignificant differences:
The assistant took me to a room where I sat in a chair with arm rests (At my second appointment, the chair had no armrests).
I was not asked if I have to pee.
The assistant put the cuff on my arm over my two shirts (at both appointments, three readings total). Based on what I later learned, the assistant took little care in placing the arm height correctly. There was no table for my arm. And she did not place the cuff in a certain position above the crease in the elbow. My monitor says ½ inch. And no care was taken for the tightness of the cuff.
She told me to sit up and put my feet flat on the floor.
We talked off and on during the procedure, but she never mentioned no talking.
She only took one reading each time.
I was never told to rest at any point at both appointments.
Although the reading at the first appointment was taken on the right arm, the two on the second appointment were taken on the left arm. There was no consistency.
A medical worker checking blood pressure with the patient in a poor position to get a good reading. Patient is not sitting up in a straight-back chair with feet flat on floor, but with legs crossed, sitting back on a couch.
Everyone Does it That Way
But the real problem, as mentioned above is: How can this be—that you can’t trust the blood pressure measurements taken at the doctor’s office—the one place that you should be able to trust?
Are they responsible? Or are they just normal?
Or: “Everyone does it that way.”
Since every procedure I’ve experienced in every medical office I’ve been to also has poor procedures—then I would have to blame the medical community in general. They all share this responsibility. What could be more important than correctly measuring your blood pressure? And what does it lead to if the measuring process falsely indicates high blood pressure that requires “Antihypertensive Therapy”—which generally includes medication?
“Initiating Antihypertensive Therapy”
In the summary, the doctor had written up on my second visit, it stated (emphasis mine), referring to my blood pressure:
Patient’s self-monitoring of blood pressure at home has consistently shown elevated readings—most in 130s up to high of 150s SBP. Will reassess blood pressure at the next visit and consider initiating antihypertensive therapy if readings remain consistently elevated. Please continue monitoring your blood pressure at home using your Omron device and follow proper procedures for accurate readings.
In the above comments, it states that he “would consider initiating antihypertensive therapy if readings remain consistently elevated.” With my new knowledge since that last meeting, that means he would be considering medication as one of the main aspects of “antihypertensive therapy”—partly based on the BP readings taken at his office, which were done incorrectly. They would also be based on readings I took at home—when I didn’t have a clue how to properly take a reading. In other words, the procedures I used to measure BP at home were just as unreliable as the procedures used in the doctor’s office.
The doctor mentions in the above visit summary to make sure I “follow proper procedures for accurate readings” when I take the readings, yet he didn’t ask me one question about my procedure, so how could the doctor know? I told the doctor I bought the monitor less than two days before. I certainly did not become an expert in less than two days. During my first reading I was talking on the phone with Omron. Believe me, “talking on phone” during a reading is not an acceptable part of the proper procedure when checking your blood pressure.
Maybe the doctor didn’t know what the “proper procedures” were, since all the readings taken in their office weren’t even close to “proper.” I am certain though, that he knew at one time (from his original training—see the comments from the “27 Sources…” article in the next section below). I started to wonder: How many millions of people are on blood pressure medication who don’t need to be because the readings are poorly taken? I’d read many comments on discussion forums that discuss blood pressure and there is an entire world of people out there who don’t know anything about proper procedures, are scared to get their BP measured at a doctor’s office, are very worried about their BP being too high and are confused. Many take their BP and don’t know how to do so correctly. According to a 2017 analysis, 61.9 million adults in the United States were taking antihypertensive medication. Really?
How Prevalent are Poor Procedures for Measuring Blood Pressure in the Medical Community?
In my research, I found a large number of studies and opinions on the state of BP reading procedures. Below are two examples that help illustrate what is happening. Every health care worker should read these—or at least the excerpts below to perhaps gain a little humility—besides learning the truth about the state of measuring blood pressure in medical offices (and hospitals – see below).
A Study Involving 172 Health Care Workers
This is a 1995 study at a major city hospital. The full article should be read. It involved 172 health care workers, GPs, specialists, nurses.
“Evaluation of the Technique Used by Health-Care Workers for Taking Blood Pressure”
Practical Test
All of the groups were notably inaccurate in the practical test. Only 3% of the general practitioners and 2% of the nurses obtained reliable results (P=NS in any group) (Fig 1). Arm and cuff positions were inadequate in 73%. Only 3% used the stethoscope bell.
Blood Pressure
Sixty-three percent of examinees were out of range in their readings of systolic BP (46% incorrect positive, 54% incorrect negative) and 53% in diastolic BP (40% incorrect positive, 60% incorrect negative). The nurses had the highest out-of-range values in both BP readings (P<.03 versus surgical specialists).
The above is a 1995 study, but what it shows is how long this problem has been going on and probably added to how the term “white coat syndrome” got started. To read the entire study, go to:
“27 Sources of Error in Blood Pressure Readings”
Below is a 2023 article from the American Medical Assoc., and a good summation of the problem that shows how it is still happening.
“Are you sure you’re accurately measuring BP? Here’s how to know”
Excerpt (italic emphasis and text color is mine):
Twenty-seven. That’s how many potential sources of error can falsely raise or lower a patient’s blood pressure reading. Eight of these potential errors involve patient-related factors such as caffeine use or bladder distension. But the 19 others can be managed by the care team—including use of the properly sized cuff, sufficient rest prior to measurement, proper positioning, and using a validated, calibrated device. That’s a lot for anyone to account for without proper or recent training. And there’s the rub: Care team members are not often supported with the tools and training to measure BP accurately. Many health professionals were trained only once, like during medical or nursing school, but never again. It’s not as easy as you think “Many of us start to get the feeling that blood-pressure measurement is bread and butter—we can do it in our sleep—but it’s actually a very complex skill. And because it’s a complex skill, training is really important,” Kate Kirley, MD, a family physician and director of chronic disease prevention at the AMA, said during an AMA webinar. “All health care professionals need to be trained in how to take an accurate blood pressure measurement, and we should all be receiving retraining every six months to one year, according to the clinical guidelines,” Dr. Kirley said. “This is because our skills in blood pressure measurement decay over time.”
The White Coat Syndrome — How Did it Really Get Started?
At my second visit, the assistant who took my BP asked me if I had “White coat syndrome?” I asked her what that was. She said it was patients who get nervous and had a high reading when they have their BP measured because it’s being measured by a medical worker in a white coat. I obviously didn’t have it because I never had anyone ever tell me I had high blood pressure, so how could I be afraid of it being measured?
Previously, I naively looked at measuring blood pressure the same way I looked at measuring my height. After learning how blood pressure is supposed to be measured, I started to wonder how this term came to be. I had learned that measuring BP in a medical office could be unreliable because of poor procedures that lead to false readings. Perhaps, that’s the reason people get high readings around people in “white coats.” I’ve seen nothing but poor BP measuring procedures, so what came first? The poor procedures or the high readings?
Doctors generally believe they always know what’s best for a patient, and patients don’t. That might be generally true, but in my mind, it’s likely that medical staff invented the term, blaming it on the patient and not on the BP measuring procedures they use. The above study from 1995 shows how this problem goes back at least three decades. It’s become a self-fulfilling prophecy: Patients believe the doctors when they tell them they have high blood pressure. Every time a patient goes to the doctor, the poor procedures show they have high blood pressure, so it makes them nervous—and they have high blood pressure.
I am sure there are people who have white coat syndrome as it’s been known traditionally. But now, with my new knowledge of what is good procedures, I wonder how many people have high blood pressure in a doctor’s office because of poor procedures in those offices. So, what came first? The high readings or the poor procedures? One thing I learned from forums is that many people don’t know the proper procedures for reading their blood pressure at home. I am sure many just copy the procedures at the doctor’s office, thinking they must be doing it right. After all, they would know the correct procedure. Or would they? But I also wonder if the procedures at home are better than in a doctor’s office, then they should get lower results. Then their BP gets poorly measured in a doctor’s office and the medical staff says they have “white coat syndrome.”
If the medical community starts using correct procedures, then patients will start imitating them at home. And if the medical community also starts training people to properly take readings at home, then they can be assured that the home readings are reliable. Just telling patients to follow good procedures is the same as no training. But the training needs to be excellent and regularly updated. After all, I am sure that office assistants and doctors were once instructed on good procedures (although I wonder about the quality of instruction assistants receive). How well has that worked out?
When are the Best Times for Measuring Blood Pressure?
The majority of the medical community agrees that the best time to take your blood pressure is in the morning, but there’s a lot of variables, so verify everything with your own research. It’s not that the doctors don’t know, it’s that they often don’t enforce what is going on in their offices because they assume they are correct, or that the medical worker should know because they were trained (hopefully). Just don’t assume that practices for measuring are always correct. After all, how often has your doctor taken your blood pressure? They might have forgotten their training. For the best information, go to the American Medical Association web page that discusses it. An informed doctor who is on top of things might tell you to take your BP at home at different times. Each case can be different. (Also read the links below to learn more about taking your blood pressure.)
And remember: The worst time of the day to measure blood pressure is during the day when you are out and about working, playing, exercising—and seeing your lawyer, or your accountant or… your doctor. Your readings can be very high in these conditions, and if theirs lots of anxiety when you measure your blood pressure, it could be higher even still. Remember that the purpose of a good blood pressure reading is to get a good basepoint to use to judge your health. So take care and do it correctly.
So, What Do I Do Next?
The differences between my BP measurements at home were so great from the readings I received at the medical office, that I was very relieved that I didn’t have high blood pressure. But I was also a little irritated. Irritated that a doctor’s office, which I trusted, had put me through an unpleasant experience that they created from poor and misleading procedures. (What also annoyed me was that I paid the doctor and the company that employed him for these sloppy procedures and putting me through the aggravation I experienced. A refund would have been nice, but I’d be dreaming to get that.)
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Everyone should be extremely careful in measuring it. When you go to the doctor, you should be able to count on them to measure it with every care. I had completely lost my trust. I next started asking myself, “What do I do next?” I knew I had to first show my doctor what BP levels I found in my home readings. And I needed to explain how I got there, that I heavily studied how blood pressure is measured, and then put what I learned into practice. Consequently, I learned that it wasn’t being done in their offices correctly—and not only were they not correct, but they were also extremely poor. They were worse than a waste of time, causing more harm than help.
So, with all this new-found knowledge I now have, what am I going to do about it? Should I tell my doctor? Or should I just sit and do nothing and let him go on believing that I have high blood pressure? I knew I had to do something. I had to at least tell him my story that I don’t have high blood pressure. Knowing that the doctor would take it all as criticism, I was nervous and planned out what I was going to say. But I wanted to make it so that he would wake up to the problem. If my words were going to be taken as criticism, then so be it. That at least would get his attention and that’s what I needed.
I also knew our doctor/patient relationship would be different from that moment on—maybe even come to an end. But I had to speak the truth and let the chips fall where they fall. I was concerned that the reaction to my “criticisms” was going to be negative, so I planned to tell the doctor to not take any notes (and no recording of the meeting, which was done, with my permission, at the first two appointments), so there would be no record of me criticizing what he was partially responsible for. I wanted to inform him of the sloppy procedures being used without anyone else knowing I was complaining. I figured the doctor would awaken to the problem and proceed to fix it himself if he was the one getting the credit. I knew the meeting would be difficult.
I couldn’t have cared less that someone knew I was complaining, but I knew that if the doctor initiated changes, it’s more likely that they would happen than if the doctor told others in the office that he was making changes because a patient criticized their procedures and why. That would make him look bad and it wouldn’t end well.
I Tell My Doctor What I’ve Learned
When I went to my next appointment, which was for an annual physical, I told the doctor’s assistant in the beginning not to take my blood pressure, but that I wanted to talk to the doctor first. The assistant left the room, and the doctor came in a little later. I proceeded to tell the doctor my experience. Even though I planned out everything I was going to say, the meeting didn’t go as planned, and it was a bit of a confrontation. But so be it.
I left the doctor’s office and never returned. And I knew that I would never want to see him again or deal with his medical group again (although there were other reasons I didn’t like the company), not only because they had sloppy blood-pressure-measuring procedures, but because too much had passed between us to have a viable relationship. This all happened in 2023. Time will tell if I hear of any changes to their procedures. But how would I know anyway? It’s not like it’s public knowledge, and I doubt they want this information public.
My next plan was to do what I can to let the public know what are good blood-pressure-measuring procedures, both at home and in a medical office. My research has shown that there is a trend in the national medical organizations, like the AMA (American Medical Association), to get doctor’s offices to improve their procedures. I wrote about this above and I will repeat it here. For a long list of articles, written for doctors on how to properly measure blood pressure in their offices, go to:
In Conclusion
Was I accusing my doctor and EZX Health of doing something wrong? To a certain extent, yes. But I am accusing them, along with much of the medical community, of what I see as a practice that is common across the country: Sloppy procedures for taking blood pressure readings in medical offices that could lead to prescribing unnecessary medication—besides misleading a lot of people who worry about their blood pressure.
My doctor and EZX Health are not unique in this. “Everybody does it.” It is, at the very least, quite common. And why do I think it’s common? Not just because of all my experiences in doctor’s offices, but also because I found that the internet was strewn with hundreds of articles, forum comments and YouTube videos—all saying the same thing. And that includes national medical organization websites. If anyone wants to learn more, then spend some time on a blood pressure forum, like the one on Reddit.
Forums taught me how misled and upset people are because of the mass confusion of how to measure blood pressure properly, and how many people think they have “white coat syndrome,” although it’s often because of poor measuring procedures both at home and in medical offices. Well, many don’t have that “syndrome,” and I blame the doctors’ offices for promoting this fantasy, which has resulted in them looking innocent and the patient guilty.
When my doctor commented that he thought you get more reliable readings at him with good procedures, I thought: Most people trust that procedures in a doctor’s office must be good, because they are experts, so they go home and copy those procedures, thinking they are correct. They might get lower and better readings at home because they aren’t in a medical office, but if they copy the doctor’s procedures, they still aren’t going to get reliable measurements. This so obvious, it makes wonder who is thinking this through.
At one point, my doctor suggested I bring in my monitor to compare it to theirs to see how accurate it was. The one I purchased was new, and it was a validated monitor listed on the AMA’s monitor validation website ( But if I can’t trust the doctor’s office to use proper procedures, it makes me suspicious that their equipment might not be up to date too. Bad procedures generate distrust on other issues.
To expose the problem, my goals were quite simple: 1) To clear the air on what my blood pressure was; and 2) To make my doctor aware that the BP reading procedures being used in that office are extremely poor. I’m not sure how much he was aware of this, but if he wasn’t, then why wasn’t he? Plus, I know that he was relatively new to EZX Health (a large company financed by venture capital) and maybe he didn’t know how bad the procedures were. But he had told me that he had been practicing medicine for 19 years. I thought of the AMA doctor who was quoted in the above article, “27 Sources of Error in Blood Pressure Readings,” who stated that doctors need regular retraining too. Of course, if he knew the procedures were that bad, that’s even worse. That’s where he stands now if he does nothing—IF he takes my criticisms seriously. But I believe the procedures are the norm in many offices. Consequently, I don’t entirely blame the doctor. I hold the entire American medical community, EZX Health, and doctors, including this doctor, responsible. They all share the guilt.
What amazes me most as I look back on all this is how casually the assistant at my doctor’s office measured my blood pressure. The last time she took it was when she had asked me if I wanted her to measure it after the doctor met with me. It was about a minute after the doctor left the room. She rolled in a wheeled stand that had the monitor on it, stood in front of me, put the cusp on my left arm which was hanging straight down from my chair (which didn’t even have armrests—which would not have been high enough anyway) and turned the machine on and read me the numbers. No care was taken in the tightness, nor in the position, of the cuff—nor in the height of the cuff in relation to my heart. As I later learned of the 27 ways measuring can get false readings, I wondered if her instruction had lasted five minutes, because it was worthless in my opinion—after I learned what is good procedure.
How Did We Get Here?
How did the medical community get to the point where poor blood pressure measuring procedures at the doctor’s office have become common? Even the AMA has created a web page for fixing this issue. The doctor that I dealt with was convinced that “white coat syndrome” was the probable cause of high blood pressure readings in their office and that home readings were better indications of blood pressure levels. But he wrote on my appointment summary: “Please continue monitoring your blood pressure at home using your Omron device and follow proper procedures for accurate readings. He never asked about my procedures, so how he could he know? It’s this kind of attitude that is clueless and led to where we are at. I still cannot believe he made that statement.
Where do we go from here?
There are two issues:
What should the patient do if they run into poor procedures? First is to study the issue and be certain. And if you can’t do that or don’t have the time to do that, then question the doctor, but that’s not easy. You could send them a link to this article, or to other information sources. But you must not let them lead you into thinking you have high (or low) blood pressure if you really don’t. And you can also do what I did and buy a blood pressure monitor, and then study how to read your blood pressure (and read what I did in this article), and then tell your doctor.
What should the doctors do? They obviously need to clean up their procedures and make them excellent. And they should also train patients how to properly measure their own blood pressure. Maybe even sell monitors to patients at an affordable price, making sure they are approved devices and creating a connection between the doctor and the patient that can be reliable.
To improve their procedures, doctors can go to the AMA web page designed for that purpose.
Improve training of the doctor and all medical personnel drastically—and keep the training updated 1-2 times a year. This was recommended in the article above (“27 Sources of Error in Blood Pressure Readings“.
How I Suggest They Improve the Medical Office Procedures Immediately
I created this section because I think doctors and companies they work for will complain that they need time and money to make the necessary changes. But I think the below changes could be done quickly at very low cost and gain a lot of value. Of course, a long-term plan will be necessary, but these suggestions will get things done now.
Retrain all medical office personnel ASAP and make sure blood pressure cusps of different sizes are easily available.
Create a setting where the arm with cuff on it can be put at the correct height easily. For example: a height-adjustable table, or a table with pillows to raise the heights for different people.
Make a checklist sheet of paper to be used every time a patient has their blood pressure tested
Put the patient’s name on the checklist, with date and time and the person doing the reading.
The checklist should include questions that the medical person need ask the patient (eg, “Do you need to take a pee, as it will effect your blood pressure reading?”)
Have the medical person sign and date the checklist and the doctor should review it shortly after the reading, and then the doctor should sign it
Notes to the person doing the reading should be on the sheet, that says:
“Never say to that patient that their blood pressure is high, low, good or bad. Only tell the patient the numbers. (This is because one never knows a person’s blood pressure, but only the numbers that were measured at that time and in the patient’s current environment and situation.” The doctor can discuss the numbers with the patient.
Strive for perfection and make all personnel proud that they are using correct procedures.
Spreading the Word
Because of all this, I have decided to make it a mission of mine to make patients, doctors and medical workers more aware of proper blood pressure measuring. I know that doctors (and most medical workers who received good instruction) were instructed at one time on how to properly measure blood pressure, but as quoted in the above-referenced AMA article (“27 Sources of Error…”) regular retraining is required because, “skills in blood pressure measurement decay over time.”
Overall, the good news is that I learned about all this and now know that poor measuring procedures at the doctor’s office can lead to false readings that could lead to unnecessary blood pressure medication. Because I’ve learned this, I have published this article on the internet. Plus, I will also go on forums to spread the word about proper procedures.
In this article, I have decided not to disclose any details, not even the state where I had the experience, besides not mentioning the date or any names involved. Why? Because people often become the targets in bringing about change, and ignore the real problem, which in this case is the processes. It’s best to attack the process and not people. I don’t want to ruin anyone’s reputation if all they are is just ignorant of what’s going on in their offices, although their ignorance can also lead to some bad consequences. And I don’t want to spread rumors about anyone or any group. I want to right a wrong. *
I didn’t tell the doctor about the problems I had with their procedures so they would change how they measured my blood pressure. I told him so they would change them for everyone who came to his office. Plus, I wanted the doctor to understand the problem from the patient’s point of view, including mine.
Links to Online Articles, YouTube Videos and Studies on Measuring Blood Pressure
Below are links that helped in my research to understanding how blood pressure is measured at home and at a medical office. You can get good measurements and bad measurements depending on the procedures used in both locations. A general online search with the text ” measuring blood pressure ” will bring up thousands of links . I always suggest being cautious with the “AI” (Artificial Intelligence) results in Google searches. It sometimes brings up false results. For a list of many YouTube Videos, just go to and search for Measuring Blood Pressure. There are hundreds (maybe thousands) of videos on the subject for both medical office and home measuring.
Below are links I found with short descriptions.
Keep in mind that no single source is 100% accurate. I spent hours researching. If you want to get the best quick advice, then watch the YouTube videos below in the order they are listed. All taken together, they will give you excellent information.
Measuring Blood Pressure at Home and in a Medical Office — YouTube videos
This is another video by a doctor who discusses 11 Mistakes in Measuring Your Own Blood Pressure . In the video he discusses how to properly measure blood pressure and also gives you an idea of much a mistake can change the BP reading. And another excellent, easy to understand video.
*And to this day, as this article gets published a few months after I complained to the doctor, I have never told one person about what happened. This is because I don’t want to spread any rumors, which can lead to negative, unintended consequences. And I have no idea if changes were made at my doctor’s office or the organization that he worked for, since I no longer deal with the doctor or their company. But I bet changes are being made. Most doctors’ intentions are totally honorable and sincere, and in my case, I think I shocked the doctor enough with my criticism that I got his attention—which is what I was hoping for.
When European man came to North America about 500 years ago, they brought horses, because there were no horses in the “New World.” But there were about 100 million Native American “Indians,” and they had only one mode of transportation: Walking.
Native Americans had only one form of transportation when Europeans came to America: Walking. And they carried no walking poles.
For the previous tens of thousands of years, these native peoples walked everywhere─on the plains, in the deserts, in the mountains and in the forests, yet none of them were walking around with two hiking poles. With millions of acres of forests, they had enough resources to build as many hiking poles as they would want. They had thousands of years to develop two poles if they thought they would be helpful. But they walked without them. This didn’t surprise the Europeans, because there is also no historical or archaeological evidence that shows humans carrying two hiking poles in the “Old World,” for the last few hundred thousand years
And now, within the last 30-plus years, many people are now saying we humans need hiking poles? Really? Anyone ever watch a perfectly healthy person walk down a steep, rocky trail in the mountains using their hiking poles? To me, it proves we not only don’t need them, but we need to encourage healthy people to not use them.
In the last three to four decades in the U.S., mountain hiking has expanded greatly, along with outdoor sports stores, hiking clubs, mountain biking, backpacking and other related activities.
I started hiking and backpacking in the High Sierra of California over 50 years ago in 1969, and I’ve seen a lot of changes in both the people who hike and the gear they use.
Hiking offers a chance to see beautiful vistas, get exercise and meet people
People who live in or near the mountains enter hiking because it’s healthy, and you get to see a lot of beauty. You also don’t need to buy a lot of accessories (some will say you do, and many will tell you that you need all the latest gear, which you don’t). Plus, you can join a hiking club and meet lots of people. Sounds easy and cheap. Plus, there’s a perception that there’s no skills to learn. After all, it’s just walking. How hard can it be?
The Reality of Learning to Hike
In reality, mountain hiking takes time to build stamina and body strength, a lesson that many soon learn. But you can start on easy trails and work your way up, while still enjoying it. There are also lots of books and videos out there, along with hiking club members and outdoor store clerks to advise you. But beware of a lot of this advice, because, in many ways it is just walking. They will all tell you what you need to get started, like what clothes to wear (meaning what to buy), what backpack (to buy), and what hiking boots (or shoes) to buy. You’ll also need to buy water bottles and miscellaneous other items, all of which the stores will sell you. Regardless of what people tell you, you really don’t need to buy all this stuff to get started. Learn for yourself before buying all that stuff.
The most important item you need to buy are good hiking boots, but more on this later.
Almost everyone will also tell you that you need hiking poles (trekking poles), which you can also buy at the outdoor store. But do you really need them? Depends, but don’t believe anyone who says that everyone “needs them.” Most don’t. This is my view, and it goes against almost everyone’s view in the modern-day hiking crowd, which has, in many ways, succumbed to the mass hysteria of getting the “latest gear.” Believe me, the latest gear is the last thing to get and it’s really not very important.
And is hiking really that simple to get into? Do I need any skills or training? Or can I just hit the trails and “jump” into hiking?
About Mountain Hiking Trails
If you are on a typical mountain trail, you will often find trails that are a “walk in the park.” This is where the ground is flat, soft dirt, with maybe a small incline here and there. These trails are similar to a walk in the local city or county park, except the mountain trail is usually only one-person wide. In this type of “walk-in-the-park” mountain hiking, you don’t need buy anything special. Just bring a water bottle and a backpack (or whatever works) to carry it in. Maps and other stuff involved are for another discussion.
A flat, soft dirt, mountain trail that is like “a walk in the park.”
It’s when mountain hiking trails go up and down that changes the nature of “hiking.” The trail changes, as does everything else. Unless it’s simple and short, going up and down trails can be everything from easy to extremely difficult. If you’re not in great shape, don’t go on a steep trail that starts by going down, because then you must go up to get back. In other words, don’t hike down into a valley and back until you are in good-enough shape. If you are patient and determined, you can “train” your body over time to hike into the steepest valleys with ease.
It’s when mountain hiking is not a “walk in the park” that you must get some good hiking boots and do some training.
Training for Hiking
Training? Why would I need to train myself to go hiking if all I am doing is walking up and down? I’m just going for a walk in the woods. And what kind of training and how long does it take?
Mountain hiking, which generally involves going up and down many steep trails, like all sports, requires practice and training. You need to build up your stamina, leg strength, joints, and balance. Contrary to what others may say, training is necessary, and building up your body takes time-all depending on your age and current health. But this is not rigorous training, like training for a race. You just need to start slowly and work your way up (so to speak). You can even do this in your leisure time.
Keep in mind that if you go slow enough, going up or down a steep trail is relatively easy. If it’s steep and rocky, you can always crawl up the trail, even on all fours, or sit on your butt and slowly go down. It’s when you want to walk up and down at a decent pace and in an upright, safe manner that you need to develop some physical strength and stamina. But this is not Olympic training, it’s simple training and you can go at any pace you want. I mean, walking is one of the slowest methods of going somewhere, so what’s the big hurry? Hiking is recreation and for fun. It’s not a race, and in hiking, the tortoise generally wins over the hare─in the long run. Do a lot of hiking for many years and you’ll probably live longer. And don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.
It’s more important to regularly go walking than it is to train heavily to improve your hiking. Don’t listen to people who tell you how fast you should go. Hiking is for fun (unless your goals are different). Be patient. After all, with all this hiking you’ll probably live longer, so you’re gaining extra time. But don’t let it be stressful. Don’t worry, be happy.
After trying it for a while, if you find that you want to continue hiking you need to have good hiking boots. This will be your most important purchase.
Buy Good Ankle-High Boots
I cannot say enough about how important good boots are. Personally, I am extremely careful that I have boots that fit perfectly and are worn in (which means that after a while, they will fit better).
If you decide to get into this “sport,” then get some very good ankle-high hiking boots. Just make sure you try them on at the end of the day when your feet are biggest. Then take them home and wear them only inside the house. If all is good, keep them. Just make sure they fit.
Good ankle-high hiking boots are essential to hiking on trails that go up and down with rocks and other obstacles.
Do not get low-height tennis shoes that have Vibram-like soles. They are really just glorified tennis shoes (unless you plan to go “trail-running”). Get boots with Vibram (or similar) soles but make sure you buy ankle-high boots. Mountain hikers who hike on more than “walk-in-the-park” conditions must have ankle-high boots. Don’t let anyone tell you different if you are going to be on some steep and rocky trails. They might not have learned this lesson yet. Some never learn. Everyone wants to wear tennis shoes because most everyone owns a pair, and they are comfortable on day one (they are fine to get started, but you will hike slowly even if you don’t plan to). Other more experienced hikers you meet who wear them will often tell newcomers that they are fine. But in the long run, you will be a better hiker with good ankle-high boots.
With good ankle-high boots, you will learn that they give you a better platform and foot support to step on rough surfaces. Low-height shoes, regardless of their soles, will be weak and have more of a tendency to slip on rough trails (plus high boots keep more rocks and dirt out, which means your socks don’t get as dirty). Regular shoes mean you will have to move more slowly with each step, otherwise, if you slip, your foot and ankle are more susceptible to twisting and you falling. Ankle-high boots enclose your entire foot and ankle, meaning they become part of your feet.
Some people who have only hiked with glorified tennis shoes will never know how superior ankle-high boots are. But if you are only going to hike on simple trails that are basically flat dirt and very gradual slopes, any shoes, including sandals, will do.
Part II – Hiking Poles
Hiking Poles Have Only Been Around for a Few Decades
Last, but not least, and probably the most controversial piece of gear is hiking poles (trekking poles).
When you get into hiking, almost everyone will tell you that hiking poles are necessary for everyone. In my view the claim that everyone must have poles is completely ridiculous. In fact, for most everyone, my belief is you must not get hiking poles, especially if you are young.
When I started hiking and backpacking over 50 years ago in the 1970s, hiking poles didn’t exist. Now, everyone seems to have them. There’s been a lot of changes since those days. There was no one around to tell us we needed hiking poles─because they didn’t exist.
In today’s world (2022), 90 percent of the hikers I see use two hiking poles. (This does not include people who visit an area, park their car, and go for a short hike in their street shoes, or those out for a short, casual hike.) Sometimes I see a large group of hikers, which I am certain is a hiking club, and they all have two poles. If you join a club and tell members you are new to mountain hiking and want to get involved, I guarantee they will tell you that you must get hiking poles. Must? Really?
Yet-after 50-plus years and many, many miles of backpacking and mountain hiking without poles (often with heavy packs on long back-country trips over two weeks), the more I am convinced that most people don’t need them, and for many, they are harmful to developing good agility and balance in going up and down steep trails, especially those with obstacles to step on and over.
Some People Do Need Hiking Poles
Before I get into why I have found this, let me make sure that it’s understood that I am certain there are people who need poles because of a physical ailment and/or advanced age. As we get older, our joints get older, and knees and hips seem too often to be the first to go. But I’m not convinced, as others say, that poles are good for those joints. If you are old and relatively new to mountain hiking, they might be. My joints are still doing good, but as I age, yes, they might start to feel old, and I might want poles one day. But at 73, I’m going strong and have not even the tiniest feeling that I need poles. No poles haven’t hurt me. In fact, I am certain that not hiking with poles all these years has made me stronger and more agile in my mountain hiking.
The situation where I see the need for poles more than any other reason is for those who have bad knees, bad hips, or other leg problems before they started hiking. I know people who can’t walk on a city street because of bad hips or knees. Obviously, these people need poles.
Poles, of course, are an individual decision based on knowing yourself and learning from others, like reading this article.
Mountain Hiking is Not Always “A Walk in the Park”
This popular saying means it’s extremely easy. And that’s exactly what I think of when I say: “Compared to mountain hiking on a steep, rocky trail with roots, logs and other obstacles, walking on a flat dirt mountain trail on a gradual incline is a ‘walk in the park.’ “
In many flat, or even “hilly” county or city parks, where the trails are flat dirt or pavement, you certainly don’t need hiking poles or hiking boots. Although you might see people wearing boots, you almost never see someone with poles.
Some trails in the mountains are like “a walk in the park.”
When you get into the mountains, trails can be flat, soft dirt on gradual inclines. These are a “walk in the park” and poles are just as unnecessary. But mountain trails are also in the “mountains” and trails are often steep and laden with obstacles and steps, being either straight up or down steep slopes or on switchbacks. And in these cases, one has to regularly step on and over rocks, tree roots and logs─and constantly at different angles. It’s no “walk in the park” in these cases. That’s when many people say that poles are needed, although many still use their poles when the trail is easy, mainly out of habit, I am sure. I have seen many people, though, tie their poles to their packs on easy trail sections. Or they might carry them in their hands without using them. At least these people realize that poles are not always useful, but often in the way.
Hiking trails in the mountains are often steep with manmade rocky steps laden with rocks and roots to step on and over
As I mentioned above, some people with physical ailments or of older age do need poles. But for those who are healthy and in fairly good condition─especially if you are young─my bottom-line opinion is: definitely, don’t start using them. If you are a beginning mountain-hiker, consider that now is the time to start training your body to be a better hiker, and in my opinion, that is best accomplished without poles.
It Might be Too Late; Are Your Poles Now Crutches?
If you are already using poles, it might be too late to stop using them. In other words, you’ve got to the point where you can’t hike without them. If you are young and have already been using poles for years, I suggest you put them away. But be careful, you might already be too dependent on poles to hike comfortably without them. So, take it slow.
Poles might fool you into thinking that they are helping you right away, which they might be—in the short run. But in the long run, they might not be good for you. Developing good balance and strength is a slow process and mountain hiking is like any other physical endeavour; You must develop these attributes through time with training and practice. Hiking poles are not a shortcut to long-term goals of developing these attributes; They just make you think they are.
I never criticize anyone who uses them, because I don’t know if they have a physical need to use them, and it’s also not polite, nor is it my concern. But when I see groups where almost everyone is using poles, I am sure that they don’t all have physical problems that require them. The great majority of people I’ve hiked with in a hiking club are very healthy people and most have hiked a lot of miles and are strong hikers.
At times, I even wonder if the reason they use them is because they’ve been using them for so long that they now need them—or think they need them. But many of these pole-hikers aren’t that agile when it comes to going up and down steep, rocky trails. In fact, many are slow and awkward in these situations, and I blame it on the poles in almost every case.
Some might say: “If everyone is using poles, then maybe they are needed. Why should we listen to you?” The fact that everyone is doing something, even if it’s just the majority, is not a good reason to do something. Just look around at society. Continue reading here, and then go hiking and find out for yourself.
My Years of Mountain Hiking Without Poles
I started hiking and backpacking over 50 years ago when I was 20. For several years, backpacking was all I did in the warm months. I put in a lot of miles in the high mountains of the Sierra Nevada in California.
I also hiked and lived in the high mountains of Colorado for 13 years. Hiking at high elevations in the Sierras and the Rockies is lots of steep climbing, often on narrow rocky trails going over 10- to 12,000-foot passes. When I came to the southern Appalachians in North Carolina in 2007, where I’ve hiked for most of the last 15 summers, I was introduced to a different mountain environment that has many steep trails, but all at a much lower elevation then in the mountains out west.
And all this mountain hiking was done without poles─“in the good old days.” One thing I am certain of─beyond any doubt─based on my experience: Poles are desirable by many, but the idea that they are necessary for all is ludicrous. I do believe that if you want to be a great hiker, and you are relatively young and in good condition, that poles will be, in the long run, detrimental to developing good leg strength and balance.
But the real proof I offer is that I am 73 and go up and down steep, rocky and difficult trails many times faster and with greater ease than most people who are 10 to 20 years younger who have poles. It’s the poles that slow many of them down. The younger ones are faster on easy areas, but I’m no slouch.
How Long Have Hiking Poles Been Around?
Back in the 70s and 80s, hiking poles still did not exist that I knew of. I do know that throughout history, a hiking “stick” (also known as a staff) has been used by many around the world. A stick/staff is generally around one’s own height or more. In my backpacking youth, I and my friends would hike with a stick at times, but only if we found one suitable and only for a little while─just for fun, really. I never found them useful. And we crossed rivers and streams often carrying heavy packs and without poles or sticks (we did wear old tennis shoes we packed for fishing, tying our boots onto our packs to keep them dry).
I started to see hiking poles in the 90s when I lived in Colorado, but they were rare. When I came to the southern Appalachians in the early 2000s, I saw people using them all the time. It was rare that I saw even serious hikers without them, although I ran into lots of people (tourists, generally) who, visiting an area, would just park their car near a trailhead and walk in for a ways─without poles and in their street shoes or sandals. In fact, I still see this all the time.
Later, I joined a hiking club and some Meetup groups and hiked with groups for many summers. I noticed the use of poles increasing more and more, especially among the “younger” old people, who might be in their late 50s or 60s (much younger people rarely hiked with us “old” people). In that group, it’s closer to 100 percent pole use. But to this day I have never used them, and I feel great hiking without them. Plus, I like my hands free.
The problem is that poles have been around for so long (20 to 30 years) that I believe many of the more “experienced” hikers have them because someone else told them that they need them, and they passed that belief on to the next generation. When I started hiking, no one used poles, so there was no one around to tell me I needed them (I doubt I would have listened to them anyway).
How Long Have “Humans” Been Hiking Without Poles?
The first “pre-humans” first started walking hunched over similar to how modern apes walk.
Humans’ prehistoric ancestors on the evolutionary scale started hiking without poles when they first came out of the trees a few million years ago and started walking on the ground. These “pre-humans” first started walking hunched over similar to how modern apes walk. In other words, they were “knuckle-draggers.” That proceeded to evolve from having long arms and dragging their knuckles on the ground, to standing more upright. As time passed over a few million years to modern humans, who today stands upright when walking, the arms didn’t evolve and get longer so they would continue to touch the ground. Arms got further and further from the ground to where we are today…until poles came along,
Man didn’t evolve over millions of years to have arms long enough to reach the ground.
So, the answer to the subtitle question is that hominids (pre-humans) have been walking around as their only mode of transportation for a few million years, and there is no evidence of the use of two hiking poles to get around.
We started out as knuckle draggers with arms used like hiking poles. Now people say you need hiking poles. Are we now going backwards in evolution?
So why do so many people use them like they are essential?
Man has evolved from walking on all fours to walking upright and the arms did not get longer and extend to the ground
Part III – The Use of Poles
Why Do People Use Poles?
As mentioned above, people who started mountain hiking in recent years are generally told by others─who often appear to be experienced─that you need poles, although many of the people who say that are selling hiking poles and, consequently, they tell you they are necessary. I also believe that most of these salespeople sincerely believe you do need them. But in my mind, to say that poles are necessary is pure garbage. They might be necessary for some, but not for most.
Plus, if you join a club or Meetup group, I can guarantee that almost all the members will tell you that you must have poles and then when you hike with the club, almost everyone will hike with them. It’s called peer pressure.
I also see hike leaders often comment in their online announcements about an upcoming hike that poles are either “highly recommended” or “necessary.” I cringe when I read that. Are they trying to scare you? Or are they too someone who needs poles?
Of course, for those who have been hiking with poles since they started mountain hiking, maybe they are necessary. I’ve done many hikes where these remarks were made by the leaders, and when I do the hike, I never found they were “needed.” What they mean is, for those who do need them for a physical condition, or for those who have never hiked “difficult” terrain without poles, poles are necessary. But for those, like myself, who have never hiked with poles, they are not necessary.
I wonder how many people started hiking with poles and don’t know what it’s like to hike without them. I also wonder how many are so use to them that they really believe that they do need them─and feel weaker when they don’t have them. In other words, they’ve become crutches.
Do Some People Need Poles?
Of course. I once had a very strong hiker (in his 80s) say to me that I still have good balance and don’t use poles. My answer was simple: “I’ve never used them.” The conversation ended there. He was a good, strong hiker with 30-plus years’ experience. But he had terrible balance and was concerned about falling in some situations─even with his poles. The thought that he had damaged his natural balance by using poles for many years went through my mind, but there could be other reasons that I am not aware of, so I don’t dwell on it. (After all, he was a bit older, in his 80s, and might have other problems requiring poles, and I might be there myself one day when I get to his age). This is someone who uses poles because they are necessary.
I’ve also hiked with people who have had hip replacements (sometimes both hips) or other problems, like bad knees. It’s obvious these people need poles. I must admit that all the people I met who had those conditions were strong-willed people who were not going to let anyone or anything keep them from hiking in the mountains, and I never heard one of them complain. These people are remarkable in my opinion. It’s obvious that poles are not only helping them achieve their goals, but they are also necessary.
But I do have my opinions on healthy people using poles (especially healthy, young people), and because poles have become so common, I have given great thought to the advantages and disadvantages of using poles.
Are Hiking Poles Really Beneficial?
Obviously, healthy people who use poles are convinced they are beneficial. But are they? How, one might ask, can they possibly be harmful?
An example of their use might be instructive. A couple of years back, I went on a 9-mile loop-hike with nine other hikers (men and women all over 50, many in their 60s, and me at 70). I was the only one without poles. There was an elevation gain of about 900 feet. On the loop we hiked up and down about 8-plus miles on a long, gradual, and relatively easy ascent to the highest point. We then descended back to the beginning of the hike in about a half mile. In other words, most of the final section was very steep downhill on a rocky and rough trail with switchbacks, all in the woods.
Everyone was in rather good shape and hiked at a good pace on the long gradual ascent, where it was mainly a soft woodsy, well-worn flat trail that was easily hiked (in fact, most of it was a “walk in the park”). The hikers didn’t seem to use poles like they are necessary on this part of the hike. Most of the time, they just walk with them in a cadence with their arms and legs moving, placing one pole on the ground, alternating with the other arm and pole. Sometimes, someone might even carry both poles in one hand for a short spell on the casual, flat dirt trail. On a trail like that, they really do appear to be useless, and I wonder why even carry them in that situation, although I have seen people at other times tie their poles to their packs for the easier sections.
I personally like my hands free, and they move around like they always have ever since I took my first steps as an infant (although I honestly can’t remember), helping me balance my body as I move. That’s the natural use of hands and arms while walking; helping your balance. Everyone walks with this same natural rhythm; arms straight down, swinging forward and back in a natural cadence.
Even in the gradual ascent where there were periodic stair-like steps on rocks, I saw people putting their weight on one pole to help lift themselves up to a higher step. But people with poles often hesitate on stepping up if there is a big step or anything tricky, deciding where best to put the pole on the ground, because such steps are always made of rock or some other object, like a root. Consequently, they slow down a bit going uphill. To me, using poles like this is ridiculous, because I see it with people who are good, strong hikers when they are going uphill on a trail. In other words, they have the strength to step up without the poles, but they use the poles anyway. I wonder if they subconsciously justify their use by doing so, because what they are really doing is not training their legs to be stronger when stepping up.
Descending With Poles on a Steep Trail Can Be Painful to Watch
It is in descending a rocky mountain trail that makes me really wonder about any advantage of poles. In fact, this is where I see a real disadvantage. In much of the final descent on the hike, you had to step down from rock to rock, sometimes about a foot or a foot and a half, and often at weird angles.
I watched as others in front of me, with poles, would sometimes stand and pause for a bit to look at the step and study it. Then they would carefully place their two poles in front of them on the surface of a rock, or near it, on what they judged to be solid grounding. Then they would lean out over them, putting much, if not most, of their weight on their poles, and step down, then repeat this action for the next step…and do so on most of the descent. The amount of time spent on taking one step was phenomenal. When I see this I wonder if these people never learned how to descend steep rocky trails like this without poles—that maybe they think this is the only way to hike down them.
I have watched this many, many times, done exactly in this manner, and every time, I cringe. When hikers do this, those behind them must wait until that hiker had stepped down and then it was their turn. A short line would then form. I was always waiting for the people in front of me when they were pole-hikers. It’s like waiting in a long line to use the bathroom because there’s only one toilet. On this particular hike, I was near the end with one person behind me. I kept looking back to see how they were doing, as they were always a little way back, moving slowly with their poles down the “steps.” That person was stepping down just like the one I described.
Walking Naturally You Connect to the Ground with Two Points; With Poles It’s Four Points
The problem is that when a hiker with poles is ready to make a steep step down, instead of using their body’s leg strength and natural balancing ability, they use the poles. When people walk without poles, they only have to find two points to connect to the ground: their two legs. With poles, they have to find four points, and two of those points are going to take some of the body’s weight, even most of it at times. This is one way that causes them to go slower.
Without two hiking poles, you only need find two points to connect to the ground: Your two feet. With poles, you need find four points.
All our lives, we learn to walk with two contact points to the ground. Then poles come along and make it four. You couldn’t design a more confusing way to screw up the walking and balancing habits that come from walking and from evolution. At some point, the body can’t go back to the normal way of walking; it’s too late.
Our Natural Way of Walking
Poles can be useful in crossing streams, but they aren’t necessarily the best method for everyone. Many hikers are afraid to cross without poles because they know no other way. After using poles for a long time, they are often afraid to cross without poles. At 73, I still don’t use them.
When we all take a step─regardless of the terrain─for a few seconds all the body’s weight is on one foot. For someone like me, who is 170 pounds, all that weight (plus what I am wearing and carrying) is on that area that is the sole of the shoe, which is about half a square foot (in other words 340 pounds per square foot is placed on one foot). That’s an incredible amount of pressure on a very small area. When one foot is planted on the ground, that amount of weight is powerfully connected to the earth and chances of it slipping are minimized with that connection (just imagine placing a 170-pound, one half square-foot, lead weight on the ground and try moving it). And when the soles are solid like Vibram soles, the connection is even stronger, hence, the importance of good hiking boots. It’s not going to slip easily.
When people cross a stream, they are often hesitant to step on rocks because they might be slippery. I wish people would test this out in reality, instead of just thinking that or hearing that from others. It’s generally not the case. Rocks can be slippery, but hikers need learn how to recognize that. And when all your body weight is on one rock, that’s a lot of weight and the connection to that rock is massive (170 pounds in my case). When you put some of your weight on poles, you lessen that connection, making it more liable to slip. Poles, might be helpful when crossing water, but most people who always use poles will never know that they aren’t always the best method, because that’s all they’ve ever done.
When I watch people with poles cross a stream, I always witness a bit of concern, even fear, as they look for a path, wondering where to put their foot and their poles. Since they might never have crossed a stream without poles, they never get to learn when rocks are slippery. Water cascading over rocks is often slippery, but on a stream with rocks scattered across it, they generally aren’t, and when you step on top of a rock smaller about the size of your foot, the chance of slipping is tiny. Why? Because you are putting your body weight on it and that weight grabs that rock with a very strong connection.
I, hiking without poles, generally cross streams many times faster than people with poles, who generally slow down and spend lots of time trying to figure out how to cross. They should get some old boots that can get wet and practice crossing to see. Of course, if their balance is already damaged from years of using poles, it could be too late.
One thing I do if my foot gets in the water is to move quickly, keep crossing and get out of the water. High boots, if waterproof, barely get any water in them, unless it’s real deep. Others, with poles, often stop while their foot is in the water and try to figure out the next step. It’s the worst thing they can do. Of course, the best way, if you know you are going to cross water, is to carry cheap sandals or tennis shoes, take your boots and socks off, and just walk across. If you move slowly and plant each foot carefully, poles are not needed. I use to carry old tennis shoes for standing in the water while fishing. I’ve never had a serious fall.
I can see some advantage to taking poles with you if you know there will be difficult stream crossings, but I personally would not. There have been a few times I have come to crossings where I had no extra shoes with me. In those cases, I have taken my boots (and socks) off and either tied them to my pack or carried them, and then crossed barefoot, stepping carefully. It’s easier done than people think. Most are just nervous. But, after all, it is just water.
Part IV – The Good, the Bad and the Not-So-Ugly of Poles
The Body’s Center of Gravity
In normal walking and standing, our center of gravity is in the lower abdomen, just below the navel and several inches under the skin (walk around thinking about it and you will feel it). Balanced and controlled walking is keeping the center of gravity in that low spot on the body. If a walker is carrying something heavy (like a backpack), then the center of gravity is higher, making the body less stable than without that extra weight. Consequently, the body learns how to compensate. But if the added weight is too high or too far away from the body, the body will compensate by leaning forward, in a slouch. So, it’s critical that backpack weight be close to the body, so the body maintains an erect, stable posture.
How Poles Move Your Center of Gravity
When someone uses hiking poles, the poles have changed the body’s center of gravity. That means that instead of the weight passing down through the body’s natural center of gravity in the lower abdomen through one’s legs, they’ve raised the center of gravity and balance higher in the body because the poles are attached to the arms which are attached to the shoulders. Plus, by putting weight on the poles, the center of gravity has moved away from center of the body, towards the area where the poles are planted on the ground. All this makes the body more unstable and more liable for slipping or falling, but what it really does is confuse the body. Consequently, pole-hikers slow down out of a subconscious concern for safety. It’s actually the body intuitively compensating to slow down and be careful.
This becomes obvious when you watch a pole hiker step up or down, especially in stepping down on a rocky, steep trail.
This is a totally unnatural act that the body is not designed for, nor is it used to doing (unless you’ve been using poles forever). If the hiker has a heavy backpack on, the situation gets worse since the center of gravity is already raised higher in the body, and the hiker must slow down even more to compensate.
In summation, what the use of the poles is doing when the body is going up or down steep trails is totally confuse what the body has learned and developed since the first steps were taken as an infant. After a while, the body might lose forever what has taken many years to learn, along with millions of years of evolution,
Poles Weaken the Body’s Connection to the Ground
The hiker has also taken some weight off their boots/shoes, which again increases the chances of slipping or twisting a foot. Instead of, in my case, 170 pounds contacting the earth at one connection point, the strength of that connection is now reduced by possibly the majority of your weight─and it’s been transferred to a higher position, making it even more out of balance.
Consequently, every time someone puts weight on their poles, they’ve raised their center of gravity, and moved it away from the center of the body. Plus, they’ve weakened their connection with the earth through their boots. This all puts them in a more precarious and weaker position, not only causing them to slow down, but to constantly rethink and re-evaluate their weight distribution in an unnatural way. This doesn’t matter so much on the walk-in-the-park trails, but it becomes extremely important on steep, rocky sections, especially going downhill.
To see this, all one must do is watch a hiker with poles go up or down a steep trail, which has rocks, roots, and other obstacles to step over and on. They calculate every step, constantly shifting their weight between the four points where they connect to the earth. It’s almost painful to watch, especially knowing that they don’t need to hike like that.
If the hiker is wearing boots, this effect is minimized, but if they are wearing glorified tennis shoes, the situation is even worse─because their ankle can twist sideways. Ankle-high boots lessen the chance of that happening.
Therefore, my advice to people who hike down a steep trail while depending on the use of their poles to help their balance is: You better slow down, because you have increased the possibility of falling. But in a way, if you are using your poles for balance, you are already moving slowly on steep trails, because your body and mind are subconsciously telling you to do so.
Watching pole-hikers, I’ve never witnessed a bad accident─just little mishaps and struggles─but every time I wonder what would happen if someone slipped on a step-down like this on a steep hill. Their hands are full so there’s no way for them to immediately extend out and help their balance, block their fall, or grab a small tree or branch to help. And they move down the hill very slowly in these conditions. I generally have to stop, watch, and wait, as I sometimes hike at the end of a group. (Sometimes, if the leader doesn’t mind, I will just go ahead and walk downhill on steep trails in the front, and before long, I am way ahead of the whole group. Some leaders, for some weird reason, frown on this.)
But the alarming thing that bothers me is what happened to our natural way of walking, which has developed ever since our ancestors came out of the trees a few million years ago? Homo Sapiens is an incredible species, which walks upright and has walked the entire earth in every scenario and been extremely successful in going everywhere. But we have now been reduced to this type of walking in the last 20-30 years?
Stepping Up and Down Without Poles
Me, without poles, I just walk and step down, using my natural balance and my leg strength to control my descent, often putting my arms out, unconsciously, to maintain my balance, or sometimes to grab a thin tree trunk to help. But that’s only for speed, I never need a tree or limb to help me climb up or down. I move quickly and easily as I descend a trail. In fact, I am completely comfortable and confident in my balance and strength working together.
I also never break my cadence going up or down as I hike on and over rocks and other obstacles. I never─and I mean never─stop and analyze a step up or down. I just walk up and down. I go uphill and downhill so much quicker and easier than those with poles that I am confused every time why people use poles.
The New Normal in Mountain Hiking
Since it’s become the norm that in group hikes almost everyone uses poles, then how pole-hikers use their poles going up and down more difficult steeper trails is all that anyone sees. It’s become the new normal. That all reinforces the belief that poles are necessary. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I wonder if, when someone like me comes along without poles, some are baffled that I don’t need them. Maybe they think I was born with some natural balance. Beyond having the good luck of being healthy, along with the natural ability to walk that most everyone is born with, I never had any special athletic abilities (I was a swimmer). I guess I just didn’t know any better as there was no one around when I started hiking to tell me I needed poles. If I’d known, I could have been using poles all these years, screwing up my natural balance all this time. I guess I missed out.
After more than a hundred thousand years of not using hiking poles, they’ve become the new norm in the last 20-30 years.
Not everyone with poles is so clumsy and awkward in stepping down as I described above; some are quicker and more graceful, and most have obviously gotten use to their poles and hike up and down steps with confidence, although they never move as quickly as I do without them. But they still use four points to connect with the earth, constantly shifting their center of gravity.
With some people, when they are stepping down with poles, I even see a little bit of fear and doubt in many of their steps. I wonder how they would manage such hiking without poles, that maybe they are now crutches.
I wonder if people new to hiking who are using poles─because someone told them they were necessary─learn how to use them by watching how others use poles to step up and down. In other words, how many people never learned how to hike without poles? If you always held an infant’s hand when they were first learning to stand up and walk, but never let go of their hand so they could learn to walk on their own, how long will it take them to walk on their own?
It’s all About Balance ─ or is It?
I have no problems with my knees, my feet, my hips, or my legs. I’m lucky in many respects because I started hiking on serious mountain trails without poles at a young age. I have great balance and I attribute a lot of that to no poles. My belief, in general, is that many people are slowly damaging their natural ability to balance by using poles. But there’s more to it than just balance.
It is all about balance when hiking. Do hiking poles damage your natural balance?
Searching the internet, you can find other hikers who’ve written about the benefits of using poles, but it’s rare to find those who write about the disadvantages, possibly because almost everyone uses them, including the writers. Most of those promoting them talk about how they reduce strain on hips, knees and ankles and can help on balance. Some even comment that they are good for your back. Ironically, I say the exact opposite. Poles help cause these problems over the long run.
Without poles you help develop strength in these areas, especially developing your natural balance. Of course, if you are young, you’re more likely to develop strong joints, leg muscles and balance.
As for your back, I believe most back problems have to do with posture more than any other single factor (except for accidents, too much sitting and bad lifting practices), and I don’t see any benefit how poles help in posture. They most likely are detrimental to good posture, because we were not born with poles attached to our hands. We evolved and grew up from infancy to walk without aids, using our natural balance with our arms swinging by our sides in a steady cadence.
To constantly hold poles with your hands in front of you is more than likely going to cause you to hold your shoulders forward, which is very bad posture. Most people have poor posture, and you can see it as people age. They slump over─because they’ve been slowly slumping over all their lives. (If you want to help your posture, study and learn about the Alexander Technique.)
Balance, Leg Muscles and Knees
Balance while hiking in the mountains to me is leg muscles combining with your arms to create a natural balance using your whole body. I see myself at times throwing my arms out automatically and subconsciously, even in extreme ways at times, as I move up and down and left and right. After 70-plus years, it’s become unconscious movements on the trail.
But there is one other important aspect of mountain hiking besides balance, and that is leg strength. The leg muscles are the strongest and largest muscles of the human body, and being able to step up on your own requires leg strength. Many trails have lots of rocks, logs, and roots to step over and around. The real problems with balance are when you have to really step up, like in a stair step from one level to another, often stepping up a foot or more onto a rock.
In a building, the maximum height for a stair step by code is 8 inches, but a 12-inch, or even an 18-inch, step on a rocky trail is not uncommon. It takes a lot more leg muscles to step up that high than a normal stairway. And it takes even more muscle to step down that far in a controlled manner, and this is where the leg muscles are extremely important for maintaining your balance.
When you step down, especially on a tall step, if you don’t control your step so that you gently reach the bottom, then you will put pressure on your knee joints because in a sense you are jumping down. When you use the leg strength of the upper leg to slow your descent, then there is no “jump” because the muscle in the upper leg gives you a controlled descent.
Where the knee joint suffers is by an impact that is fast and sudden, and when this is done over and over, you cause joint pain. When you walk down stairs, the short steps (at a maximum of 8-inch height), are low enough that you never “fall” to the next step, you just step with control to the lower level. But with taller steps, your leg strength becomes critical to a controlled descent-and you need develop that leg strength, otherwise the muscles atrophy.
People might think that hiking poles can be helpful. Maybe, but are they really? Strong leg muscles are major in controlling your balance while stepping up or down. When stepping using your poles you are not developing your leg muscles in a normal healthy way in coordination with your natural balance. It’s more than likely that you are going to suffer from future problems with balance because of years of hiking-pole use.
Hiking Boots Are Critical to Mountain Hiking
If all the mountain hiking was on soft, flat dirt trails on gradual slopes, tennis shoes, even sandals, are good enough. My observations are that poles are a complete waste on such trails. But when hiking moves onto trails that are less “like a walk in the park,” but are steep and filled with obstacles like rocks and roots, good hiking boots are essential and if someone is going to hike without poles, I believe good ankle-high boots are essential for developing strength, balance and agility, along with safety without having to rely on poles.
Part V – The Final Word
And… the Final Word On Poles
So, what do I conclude about the use of poles? If you are young and have no physical problems, then I strongly advise you not to start using them. If you already have been using them, it might be too late, but youth adapts more easily than older people, so you can probably get your body acting in a more balanced and coordinated fashion by discarding poles. But remember it takes time to develop your body for any physical endeavour; It’s just easier when young.
Since almost everyone today tells people that hiking poles are necessary, people believe them─and those who tell you that probably started using them for the same reason: others told them they need them. On top of that, outdoor stores like selling things and hiking-pole companies promote them. I mean, how many things in life do people do because everyone else is doing it? For older people, poles might be your best option. But, depending on your age and health, don’t let anyone─unless you have some physical limitations─tell you they are necessary.
But the final decision is up to each person, especially for older hikers. Poles might be the tool to enable you to hike in the mountains. If so, go for it. After all, we might all need them, including me, in old age if we want to continue mountain hiking. But let’s not call them necessary for all. I personally want to encourage younger people to learn to hike in the mountains without poles, because you will develop better strength and balance in the long run. Do you really want to never learn how to hike without poles? And don’t forget good ankle-high hiking boots.
A Bit of Human History and Walking — Are We Going Backwards in Evolution?
When Europeans came to the New World, Native American “Indians” walked everywhere. They had no horses, because Europeans brought them from Europe.
At the beginning of this article, I mentioned that there is no evidence that humans, which includes Native Americans and their prehistoric ancestors, ever came up with the idea of hiking poles and that was after a few hundred thousand years of walking everywhere. I find it hard to believe that in the last 20-30 years they have become necessary, or even advisable. And to suggest they are a modern invention, well, hiking poles from trees were everywhere waiting to be invented, but they weren’t (read more on this at end of this article).
And people are now saying we need them?
I read one internet article where an “experienced” hiker wrote about how to use poles. He wrote that you use them pointing forward going downhill to take some of the strain off your legs and put it on your arms. And when going uphill you should use them pointing backward to help you move up a hill.
After tens of thousands of years of humans walking everywhere, especially in the Americas where there were no horses, this is what man has come to? Native Americans were going up and down mountains in the east, in the high Rockies and in the High Sierras in the west. It was their only form of transportation. And now we humans must use poles to help us walk?
Nope. I don’t buy it. That is not progress. My best reason why poles are now popular? It’s mass hysteria, and the key word here is “popular.” Let’s first learn how to hike in the mountains without poles. If after that, if you are still in good physical condition, you decide to try poles, then give it ago. But I bet you will get rid of them after your first hike without them. If I get old and feeble, maybe I’ll get them, but right now, in my mid-seventies, I can walk up and down steep, rocky mountain trails faster than the average day-hiker with poles, and with ease.
Do we really need hiking poles to hike uphill? After tens of thousands of years of hiking uphill without poles and now we need them? Are we going backwards in evolution and getting weaker?
The End (almost)
And now, for the final (after) thought:
Native American Indian Hiking Poles?
And to anyone who says that modern science and aluminum has brought lightweight hiking poles to society: Well, that’s just plain stupid. What is shown here is a pole with a leather strap attached at the handle end. It could have easily been used as a hiking pole, but it’s a stick used in a Native American game. If they’d wanted to make hiking poles, they could have easily made them. Native Americans had skills. I mean, really? Aluminum hiking poles have changed human evolution? I don’t think so.
Native American hiking pole? It could easily be one, but it’s not. it’s a stick with a handle of leather used in a Native American game.
According to the Center for Disease Control, during 2017, approximately one third (82 million) of U.S. adults reported having hypertension, and an estimated three quarters of those with hypertension (62 million) reported using antihypertensive medication.
I am not a doctor, and this article does not pretend to offer medical advice, but information.
After my experience with sloppy blood-pressure-measuring procedures in a medical office that led a doctor to telling me that I had high blood pressure, when I didn’t, I decided to research correct procedures and share my experience with others.
It is strongly recommended that readers do their own research to learn for themselves. To help in researching, I have placed many links in this article (and at the end of the article) about proper procedures that are not only recommended by individual doctors, but are also recommended by the medical community, which is trying to get the word out to doctors about poor practices in medical offices that need to be eliminated—and replaced with proper procedures.
It should also be noted that all the procedures discussed in this article are for an average-sized adult. For adults who are way outside the average in height, weight and health, they should be aware that these differences could effect procedures, including considerations about cuff height.
Procedures can also be different for children, and parents should be consulting with a doctor, but that doesn’t mean that every doctor is always doing everything correctly, even for children. Parents should always seek out correct procedures on their own and educate themselves and ask questions.
I also do not discuss any blood pressure numbers. That’s a whole new discussion, and there is no absolute number that is correct. All doctors do not absolutely agree on this, and the standards in the U.S. and other parts of the world do not agree. Again, study this for yourself.
Walking Naturally You Connect to the Ground with Two Points; With Poles It’s Four Points
The problem is that when a hiker with poles is ready to make a steep step down [a rocky trail], instead of using their body’s leg strength and natural balancing ability, they use the poles. When people walk without poles, they only have to find two points to connect to the ground: their two legs. With poles, they have to find four points, and two of those points are going to take some of the body’s weight, even most of it at times. This is one way that causes them [hikers with poles] to go slower.
All our lives, we learn to walk with two contact points to the ground. Then poles come along and make it four. You couldn’t design a more confusing way to screw up the walking and balancing habits that come from [a lifetime of] walking and from evolution. At some point, the body can’t go back to the normal way of walking; it’s too late.