Has America Been Invaded by Ferangis?
Several years ago, I read a Letter to the Editor in the St. Petersburg Times (now called the Tampa Bay Times). I copied the letter and saved it in my computer, forgetting about it until I accidentally ran across it recently. As I reread the letter, I realized that the writer (whose name I am keeping private to protect the innocent*) was possibly correct.
The letter was about Rick Scott, who had recently been elected Governor of Florida in 2011. He started his own healthcare company many years earlier and had become quite wealthy. He was ousted as CEO after his company was convicted of Medicare fraud. The company had to pay the largest fine in Medicare history. Part of the settlement was that he no longer be CEO of his own company. He was not personally convicted. He also walked away with $200 million dollars. He then went into politics as a Republican. During his years as Governor, he heavily promoted business interests and was opposed to any free healthcare. He was against the Obama Affordable Care Act. After two terms as Florida’s governor, he successfully ran for the Senate, where he resides today. He has always voted with his fellow Republicans every time they tried to get rid of the Affordable Care Act.
Here is the text of the Letter to the Editor about Scott:
Some people have joked that Governor Rick Scott, based on his appearance, is an alien. I think he might be a Ferangi. This species from Star Trek has no motivation beyond business. Their religion is business, and their god is profit.
Their culture and philosophy are defined by the rules of acquisition. These rules make no provision for supporting the common good, or those less fortunate. A Ferangi doesn’t hesitate to cheat, lie, or steal to complete a business deal. He will betray his family and allies for profit. The only dishonor a Ferangi knows is to fail to get the advantage in a business deal. They regard other species as inferior, and their females have no power or rights.
The reason this letter seems appropriate today is because I am convinced that both Donald Trump and Elon Musk—just to name a few—are most likely all Farangis. People might say that Star Trek is a fictitious TV series, but there are many who believe that it was a documentary. It takes place around the year 2150 and maybe time travel was possible. After all, the current Republican Party supports both Trump and Musk, and they act like they are all cut from the same Ferangi cloth—or at the very least they bow down to it.
* If the letter writer wishes to contact me for any reason, please do so at: [email protected] . I kept the name of the writer and you can identify yourself by giving me that name and the municipality you noted in the letter signifying where you were from, so that I have the correct person.